Planet Ayurveda Thu, 26 May 2022 07:34:34 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Planet Ayurveda 32 32 Broccoli Thu, 26 May 2022 07:23:15 +0000 Broccoli - Wealth Of Nutrients Abstract All vegetables consist of healthful minerals, vitamins, phytochemical compounds, and dietary fiber but some of them are having exceptional and miraculous properties among one of them is Broccoli. There is such a big role of vegetables in providing nutrition to the body as well as in preventing disease. The vegetables possess vitamins with antioxidant properties such as vitamin A, C and E thus it prevents us from various chronic diseases such as cancer, diabetes,

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Broccoli - Wealth Of Nutrients


All vegetables consist of healthful minerals, vitamins, phytochemical compounds, and dietary fiber but some of them are having exceptional and miraculous properties among one of them is Broccoli. There is such a big role of vegetables in providing nutrition to the body as well as in preventing disease. The vegetables possess vitamins with antioxidant properties such as vitamin A, C and E thus it prevents us from various chronic diseases such as cancer, diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome, etc. Further in this article we are going to discuss the wonderful vegetable Broccoli, so let's discuss.


Broccoli, Brassica Oleracea, Broccoli Flower

Broccoli is considered as a superfood, it contains low calorie content but is filled with a wealth of antioxidants and nutrients that usually assists many particulars of human health. This plant has flowering heads, small leaves and stalks, the flower heads are dark green in color and arranged like a tree structure that branches with a light green coloured stalk. The flower head of broccoli is rich in vitamin K & C, with minerals, phytochemicals, magnesium, potassium and sulphur in it. Whereas the stalk of broccoli is a rich source of fiber. Let's see further the health benefits of this superfood.

Nutrient Facts

A 1 cup of Broccoli (91 gm) contains the following nutritional facts:

  1. Energy: 24.3 calories
  2. Water: 89%
  3. Carbohydrates : 6 gm
  4. Protein: 2.5 gm
  5. Fibre : 2.4 gm
  6. Sugar: 1.5 gm
  7. Fat: 0.4 gm

Above we discussed the nutritional values of broccoli, now we will discuss how these nutritional values are beneficial for our health. So let's discuss below:


As we discussed earlier in 1 cup of broccoli there are 2.3 gm of fibre which is 5-10% of the DV (daily value). These are considered as one of the healthy parts of our diet as it promotes our gut health that prevents various diseases and aids weight loss.


Rich with glucose, fructose and sucrose and a very little amount of maltose and lactose.


These are considered to be the building blocks of the body that initiates the proper maintenance and growth, one of the necessary components of our food.

Vitamins and minerals

The essential vitamins and minerals included in broccoli are vitamin C, K1, B9, potassium, calcium, sulfur, iron and manganese. The benefits included in these vitamins and minerals are antioxidants, blood clotting, promoting strength, controlling blood pressure, transportation of oxygen into the red blood cells.

Health Benefits Of Broccoli

There are wonderful benefits of Broccoli for maintaining our health that we are going to discuss below:

  • Promoting Gut Health: It consists of an abundance of fibre content which promotes the peristaltic movement of the gut thus alleviating various gastric issues such as incomplete evacuation, constipation, gas, bloating, etc.
  • Preventing cancerous growths: The good consumption of Enriching antioxidant properties in the broccoli helps in preventing the cancerous growth in the body.
  • Eye health: Its consumption also improves eye health due to the wonderful compounds present in it such as zeaxanthin and lutein, a variety of carotenoids.
  • Good for diabetic patients: The high antioxidant and high fibre content present in the broccoli aids in lowering the blood sugar levels which in turn is good for diabetic patients.
  • Supports heart health: Its addition to the diet strengthens the blood vessels and the sulphur content provides an anti-inflammatory effect that helps in preventing the damage of the blood vessels. It also aids in lowering the high bad cholesterol levels due to its enriched fibre content.
  • Boosting immune system: The vitamin C present in broccoli is one of the most essential nutrients that is good for maintaining the immune system functions. It prevents the accumulation of free radicals in the body that prevents the damage to the body cells.
  • Initiates detoxification: Broccoli consists of phytochemicals that are good for detoxifying the body which neutralize and eliminate the contaminants in the body.
  • Promotes bone health: The calcium content and vitamin K present in this superfood are the two main factors that help in promoting bone health.
  • Supports the health of the brain: The antioxidants present in the broccoli are supportive for maintaining brain health by the prevention of accumulation of free radicals.

Some Healthy Broccoli Recipes

Let's review some healthy Broccoli recipes below that you must try at your home:

1. Roasted Broccoli

  • Ingredients: 2 small broccoli, ½ tsp salt, ½ tsp powdered pepper, ¼ tsp powdered cloves, 3 tsp olive oil and tsp grated lemon zest.
  • Recipe: Cut the broccoli into small pieces, pour oil into the open container, then add cutted broccoli into it, roast it for 10-12 mins and then sprinkle all the spices on it. Here your roasted broccoli is ready to eat.

2. Crunchy Broccoli Salad

  • Ingredients: 1 kg of broccoli, ¼ kg sliced onions, ½ cup of cranberries, 3 tsp canola oil, 2 tsp brown sugar.
  • Recipe: Take 1 large bowl and add cutted broccoli, onions and cranberries into it. In another small bowl add oil and brown sugar, blend it till it blends into a paste, spread it over a large bowl mixture and here the other recipe is ready.

3. Broccoli Salad

  • Ingredients: 3 cups broccoli, 3 chopped medium apples, 1/4th cup of overnight soaked almonds and walnuts, ½ cup chopped onions and ½ cup sweet yoghurt.
  • Recipes: Add all the ingredients in one bowl, mix it well and here the simple and healthier recipe is ready.


Broccoli is considered as the wealth of nutrients and one of the best superfoods. Vegetables are one of the important parts of our diet that helps in boosting the overall health and prevents various diseases. All vegetables consist of minerals, vitamins, phytochemical compounds and dietary fibre but some of them are having exceptional properties. In this article we discuss the Broccoli vegetable which offers a wide range of health benefits. Also simple recipes of broccoli are mentioned in the article so you must try this at home and get the fear of disease out of your mind.

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Black Cardamom Tue, 17 May 2022 07:24:03 +0000 Black Cardamom - Boon From Himalayas Abstract Black Cardamom is a very common Indian spice called as 'Badi Elaichi' or 'ali Elaichi'. This is used in every home for making vegetables and plays a very important role in Garam Masala powder. This varies in colour from dark brown to black along with being small and sticky with the appearance of tough and wrinkled skin. Black Cardamom is cultivated in Nepal, Sikkim and many parts of Darjeeling and its seeds are

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Black Cardamom - Boon From Himalayas


Black Cardamom, Kali Elaichi, Badi Elaichi, Amomum subulatum

Black Cardamom is a very common Indian spice called as 'Badi Elaichi' or 'ali Elaichi'. This is used in every home for making vegetables and plays a very important role in Garam Masala powder. This varies in colour from dark brown to black along with being small and sticky with the appearance of tough and wrinkled skin. Black Cardamom is cultivated in Nepal, Sikkim and many parts of Darjeeling and its seeds are grown in September-October in dribbled areas. Its seeds germinate after 25 to 30 days after implantation. Forest-loamy soil under shades is the perfect environment to grow this herb well. Its seeds are cultivated when the seed's outer covering turns to brown. In this article we are going to discuss the health benefits of Black cardamom and its uses in various types of health disorders.


Black Cardamom's scientific name is Amomum subulatum, it belongs to the family of Zingiberaceae. India is the largest producer of Black Cardamom with a 50% share in world population, Nepal, Sikkim and some parts of Darjeeling give the maximum contribution in the growth of this herb. Black cardamom has numerous distinct species of different sizes, ranging about 2-5cm with divergent tastes. It has a smoky flavour included in warm spices, and has a pungent aroma with a citrus and eucalyptus flavour with great coolness similar to mint. This contains many essential oils which gives many health benefits, and helps to cure many health related conditions. This herb can be used on a daily basis, in a wide range of beverages and sweets, is a very popular ingredient in biryani or achari pulao, ginger chutney, and many other rice preparations.

How To Select And Use Black Cardamom

Those who are plumped and firm pods are in touch, to ensure it is packed with seeds. Use the whole cardamom with the pod as it is brimmed with aromatic fragrance and full of flavour. Take the whole black cardamom and grind it in a mixer in fine powder then sieve it to remove hard or non blended particles. Blend the cardamom powder in smaller quantities, because when we preserve it for a long time it can lose its flavour. Store it in an air-tight container for its further use. It will stay healthy or good for a year in dry conditions.

Therapeutic Properties

  • Rasa - Katu (pungent), tikta (Bitter)
  • Guna - Laghu (light), ruksha (dry)
  • Veerya - Ushna (hot)
  • Vipaka - Katu (pungent)
  • Karma - Dosha karma - pacifies kapha-vata dosha and elevates the pitta dosha.

Other Properties

eliminates the smell, diminishes the pain, lessens skin related disorders, and good wound healer, mentioned in vedana sthapak mahakashaya, acts as diuretic, enhances the digestive fire, metabolic rate, and a great vata-anulomana, abolish the kapha, relieves fever and maintain the temperature, and is detoxifying in nature.

Culinary Uses

Black cardamom is edible in various types of dishes, like biryani rice, pulao, or basic malvani Gravy, soups, chowders, is also used in garam masala, by making crushed black cardamom powder and add in these dishes to enhance and intensify the taste of other ingredients.

Medicinal benefits of Black Cardamom

1. In Digestion

This herb is very beneficial for GI Tract and helps to enhance the gastric juices that helps to digest the food properly, improves the appetite and also relieves chronic constipation, flatulence and demolishes the pain. It is widely used in the diminished digestive fire conditions, bloating, loose motions, liver-related disorders, or also in diminished urine capacity. It gives a soothing effect after digestion.

2. Supporting The Heart Health

This herb is very famous to treat the heart related diseases, like thrombosis, hardening of arteries or venous system, used to enhance the strength of weak heart muscles, arrhythmias, coronary heart diseases, valvular diseases or many other cardiomyopathies etc.

3. Respiratory Health

Acts as an expectorant and helps to remove the excessive kapha from the respiratory system, helps to relieve the cough, breathlessness, pain related symptoms during breathing, also be used to treat the asthmatic symptoms and respiratory spasms.

4. For Kidney

It has great diuretic effects, and helps to maintain the good kidney functions, by maintaining its supportive health, prevents the stone formation as it helps to strengthening the muscles of kidney, has anti-inflammatory effects, you can use it with pumpkin seeds and gives the positive effects by removing the stones successfully.

5. For Dental Health

It helps to protect the dental health, and ensures the oral cavity stays away from bacterial infections or dental caries. This is done by making the decoction of black cardamom and gargling with this decoction to improve the hygiene of buccal cavity.

6. For Skin

This herb is rich with antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and that's why it helps to remove the toxins from the body and keeps the skin healthy. It is a natural home remedy for many skin disorders that helps with eczema, irritation, itching and other skin allergies.

7. For Hair

As we have discussed this herb has Anti-oxidant properties that also helps with the growth of hair and skin disorders that affect the scalp specifically. It can be used on a daily basis that shows its positive effects on the skin and hair both. It makes the hair thick, shiny and long by regular use. It is also used as the best remedy for removing the dandruff

8. For Mental Health

This herb helps to stay calm and has antidepressant actions that enhances and strengthens mental health. It helps the patient to recover from the stressful conditions and make them mentally calm as well as physical wellness.

9. Reduces Pain

Black Cardamom has anti-inflammatory properties, reducing various types of congestion, has pain relieving effects and that also helps the person to keep calm and healthy.


Black cardamom is filled with aromatic fragrances and helps the person to deal with many type of health disorders, stimulates gastric juices, is carminative, clears the respiratory tract, expectorant in nature and is anti-emetic in properties, used traditionally by our mother at home to maintain or digestive system and supports our health. It is used as an important ingredient in many recipes, and helps to make them aromatic and flavorful. Thus consuming the black cardamom can have wonderful effects.

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Infertility And Pregnancy Thu, 12 May 2022 06:41:06 +0000 Let's Bust Some Myths About Infertility And Pregnancy There's no shortage of myths when it comes to pregnancy and infertility. Chances are high that you must have heard about many of them from your family and friends which either make you feel better or increase your fear about your reproductive life. However it's very necessary to separate myths from facts especially when you are trying to conceive as some of these myths can hold you back from taking a proper

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Let's Bust Some Myths About Infertility And Pregnancy

There's no shortage of myths when it comes to pregnancy and infertility. Chances are high that you must have heard about many of them from your family and friends which either make you feel better or increase your fear about your reproductive life. However it's very necessary to separate myths from facts especially when you are trying to conceive as some of these myths can hold you back from taking a proper treatment for fertility and can lead you to wrong ways.

Usually the issue of infertility remains mysterious to the couples as they do not have proper information neither do they contact a doctor for it. Infertility is considered something to be ashamed about and couples feel shyness and embarrassment to discuss about it. Myths have very strong effect on people's mind and it have made a very clear way in our society. All of these things affect the decision making of couples regarding the treatment of infertility.

Infertility and pregnancy myth

Let's get to know about some of these myth and facts behind them.

  • MYTH - Infertility is a problem of woman- This is the most common myth of infertility as every women going through infertility is accused of it without going through proper tests of both the people in couple. However the fact is that half of the infertility cases are due to male factors like sperm disorders, shape of sperm, number of sperms or ability of sperm to move effectively.
  • MYTH - Before seeing a specialist doctor couple should always try for at least a year- Yes it's true that infertility is characterized by no conception even after one year of unprotected intercourse but it is just a guideline not a rule. Any woman who is above 35 years of age and have history of fibroids, irregular periods, multiple miscarriages, endometriosis, ectopic pregnancy or pelvic adhesive disease should seek medical help. Same goes for the male who have history of trauma to genitals, infection or surgery.
  • MYTH - Birth control pills usage can cause infertility- The fact is that contraceptive pills do not affect fertility either in negative or positive way. Normal menstrual cycle of a woman will usually continue within one or two month after she stop taking the pill and if it doesn't continue normally than do consult a obstetrician.
  • MYTH - After birth of one baby conception is easy- This isn't always true and many people are known to suffer from infertility issue after having their first baby and this is known as secondary infertility. Usually people think that if they have conceived first time than it is almost impossible that they would have any infertility issue second time. The causes here are usually blockage in fallopian tubes, poor sperm quality or quantity, defective ovulation, etc.

Infertility can be caused due to genetics, diseases or anatomical ailments but there are also many lifestyle activities which have played a role in infertility. Rise in lifestyle diseases have contributed in increased risk of infertility. There are many evidences which suggests that bad lifestyle habits like smoking, unhealthy weight and increasing age have adverse effect on fertility of a couple. Fertility is affected by our daily activities, factors we are born with and things we are exposed to. It is necessary to have awareness about these factors in order to maintain good reproductive health.

  1. Obesity - Both men and women's reproductive health is affected by obesity. Unhealthy increase in weight have not only physical but psychological and emotional effect on chances of reproduction. In case of woman's fertility, hormones production are significantly affected by obesity. If a woman is significantly overweight or underweight, it can inhibit the normal ovulation and cause menstrual irregularities. Obesity can increase the risk of miscarriages and also being overweight causes longer in conception than normal weight people. In case of males, if they are obese, the testosterone levels are low and risk of impaired sperm production and low sperm quality is high.
  2. Tobacco - Cigarette smoke contains nicotine which in body is converted into a substance that slows down the movements of sperms. Sperm density is affected by the heavy metals like lead and cadmium.Chewing tobacco damages the structure of the sperm while cigarette smoke affects the DNA of sperms. While smoking or chewing tobacco ages the ovaries prematurely and causes other health ailments as well.
  3. Stress - We know that stress is unavoidable especially in today's world and lifestyle but the point here is to manage it. When couple is trying to conceive and they are not being successful in it, anxiety and worry develops which further leads to hormonal imbalance and eventually affecting fertility.
  4. Alcohol consumption - Alcohol decreases the levels of the sex hormones which causes abnormalities in the menstrual cycle of a woman and inability to conceive. Woman who is trying to conceive should completely stop drinking alcohol also it harms the well being of baby.

Road to parenthood can be challenging but if you are determined and support each other in this process, it can help in enhancing the fertility. There are certain food choices and lifestyle changes you can do to boost your fertility and maybe even you don't need any secondary procedures for conceiving.

  • Food rich in antioxidants - Zinc and folate are the antioxidants that enhances the fertilityin both women and men. Such food deactivates or eliminates the free radicals from the body which damages egg cells and sperm.
  • Stay active - Exercising and staying active not only help you maintain your physical health but also boost fertility. Especially people with obesity must be exercising daily however that should be in moderation.
  • Relax yourself - Stress is major factor for decreased fertility as stress is inversely proportional to fertility. Stress goes up, fertility goes down because stress causes certain hormonal changes that are bad for your fertility. Hence, take support and help to reduce your anxiety and relax yourself if you are trying to get pregnant.
  • More fiber in diet - Fiber helps in maintaining a balance of hormones by eliminating the more of them and also helps in keeping blood sugar in balance. Take soluble fiber like present in oats, avocado, sweet potatoes etc.

Good lifestyle and nutrition is vital for conceiving as well as for your overall health. Making healthy changes in diet and lifestyle can help you boost fertility and prevent you from going for the secondary measures for conceiving.

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Throat Chakra (Vishuddha Chakra) Mon, 09 May 2022 10:34:43 +0000 How To Open Your Throat Chakra (Vishuddha Chakra) Abstract The seven Chakras are the main energy centres of the body. Chakras are referred to as 'wheels'. Wheels that allow the free positive energy to flow in our body and mind. Muladhara chakra (root chakra), Swadhisthana chakra (Sacral chakra), Manipura Chakra (Solar plexus Chakra), Anahata (Heart chakra), Vishuddha chakra (Throat chakra), Ajna (Third eye Chakra), Sahasra Chakra (Crown Chakra). When all of our chakras are open, our mind, body and soul

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How To Open Your Throat Chakra (Vishuddha Chakra)


The seven Chakras are the main energy centres of the body. Chakras are referred to as 'wheels'. Wheels that allow the free positive energy to flow in our body and mind. Muladhara chakra (root chakra), Swadhisthana chakra (Sacral chakra), Manipura Chakra (Solar plexus Chakra), Anahata (Heart chakra), Vishuddha chakra (Throat chakra), Ajna (Third eye Chakra), Sahasra Chakra (Crown Chakra). When all of our chakras are open, our mind, body and soul become filled with positive energy. In this article we are going to discuss the fifth chakra that is located at the base of the throat, vishuddha chakra also known as throat chakra.


The energy elements that are given or released by this Chakra is healthy and effective communication and also strengthen the respiration processes. Throat chakra is assigned with a bright blue colour that represents pure, calming and soothing, healing properties that help to make the connection between the soul and divine. This chakra is responsible for developing the emotions and its beej mantra that helps to unblock the chakra is Ham.

Throat Chakra, Vishuddha Chakra

Vishuddha Chakra

Means the purifying of our body from the impurities. Only vishuddha chakra helps to restore the energy of body and soul by eliminating the impurities. Active throat chakra helps to expand our communication skills and ultimately promotes our preservation of health. This chakra can filter everything, like your thoughts, your emotions, your ideas, or any idea, impulse that can harm your body in any way, this chakra helps to get away from the negative influences. This chakra is the gateway for the energies to transfer from the head to the lower part of the body, expression and communication are the two means that are associated with vishuddha chakra. When the path of vishuddha chakra is clear then our thoughts can flow freely in the wisdom of spirituality and helps to spread this energy with everyone through our words or communication skills. This process started from the throat then sound propagated into the air and its vibrations felt with our whole body in the form of energy not only with the sound that is collected through the ears. It shows a pure mind and soul that is not going to disturb or be affected with any form of negative thought.

Anatomical Status

The Visshudha chakra is situated in the centre of the throat at the level of thyroid gland. We also know the thyroid gland helps through temperature, growth and metabolism regulations.

Spiritual Control

The throat chakra is connected to the Swadhisthana chakra which is also the centre of emotional systems along with creative ideas and vishuddha chakra associated with expressing our emotions and ideas clearly or intelligently to show the authentic along with innovative proposals in all over the world.

Psychological Control

When Vishuddha Chakra is in stable state then we can properly communicate with the world and have the power to express our thoughts with the world, with the power of this Chakra we know and honour yourself by accepting things as they are along with our ability to state the balance with world and our thoughts. Moreover place a connection with the etheric realm, spiritual and intuitive properties.

Develop your knowledge with the Akasha element

Visshudha chakra is accompanied by the Ether, this is all associated with the 'kha-vaigunya' that is the emptiness in which our true souls lie and we feel spirituality. Akasha is space, the element of Vishuddh chakra. Akasha means where you have the ability to expand your perspective, and Akasha epitomises the way of seeking and makes a habit to speak the truth. When the Vishuddh chakra is open then it helps us to communicate with our soul and gives us the energy to clutter all the negative thoughts as well as being able to listen to the internal soul that helps us to believe in pure or true energy.

If Our Visshuddha Chakra is not balanced

Due to the stress on any level like anatomical status, on a spiritual basis, psychological status vishuddha chakra becomes unbalanced and starts showing symptoms. A blocked or disturbed Visshudha chakra may also hinder the capability of listening power, or guiding power and develop some fearful feelings to speak up and diminish general power to make a connection with someone. It can actually develop many disease such as -

  1. Sore throat
  2. Thyroid imbalance
  3. Neck disabilities
  4. Shoulder pains
  5. Disturbance in hearing ability
  6. Temporo-mandibular joint disorders
  7. Jaw pain
  8. Tooth aches

To manage the imbalanced Vishuddha Chakra

Beejmantra - HAM is the beej mantra to unblock this vishuddha chakra. HAUHM is the way to pronounce this mantra, this mantra is very effective and helps to point to the equation that all is one. Its vibrations help to give you the power to effectively communicate, spreading your ability to state an equilibrium.

Some Herbal Remedies to balance the Visshudha Chakra

Planet Ayurveda is a herbal manufacturing company that helps the needful persons to give effective medicinal formulations. Our formulations are free from side-effects and do not contain any type of fillers, dyes, or chemical preservatives. All the medicinal formulations are prepared under the guidance of MD Ayurvedic physicians and give great results in relieving the patients.

Ayurvedic Treatment For Throat Chakra, Ayurvedic Aspect On Throat Chakra


  1. Brahmi Capsules: 1-2 capsules twice a day after meals with lukewarm water.
  2. Kanchnar Guggul: 1-2 capsules twice a day after meals with lukewarm water.
  3. Septrin Tablets: 1-2 capsules twice a day after meals with lukewarm water.

Products Description

1. Brahmi Capsules

This is a great herbal formulation given by Planet Ayurveda Consists of Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri) it is bitter, astringent and having a sweet taste, easy to digest, strengthens the nervous system, increases the lifespan and have rasayana properties and also given in thyroid related disorders, and effectively works on communication skills and vocal cords.

2. Kanchnaar Guggul

This is marvellous classical formulation prepared by Planet Ayurveda consists of kanchnaar (Bauhinia variegata) it has great results in rectification of thyroid disorders, lowers the blood pressure, effectively manage the kanthgata roga, is a very helpful herb in wound healings and pain in neck or shoulder.

3. Septrin Tablets

This formulation prepared by Planet Ayurveda consists of Guggul (Commiphora mukul), Haldi (Curcuma longa) etc. It supports the respiratory system, has great rasayana properties, also relieves thyroid related disorders and efficiently works on the vocal cords as well as stabilises the Throat chakra.


Visshudha chakra is the fifth chakra also known as the Throat chakra that is our centre of communication situated at the base of the throat on the centre of the larynx. This chakra helps to establish a strong connection between the body and communication process. Herbal remedies and various types of yogas and a proper diet should be followed to balance the Visshudhi Chakra.

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Tridosha (Vata, Pitta & Kapha) Fri, 06 May 2022 08:41:17 +0000 Yoga Asanas to Balance Tridosha (Vata, Pitta & Kapha) Introduction Yoga practises are the main yogic tools which assist in balancing physical stamina and boosting energy levels. It enables us to direct our attention and energy within. Ayurveda is an ancient holistic science which aids in managing all the health ailments with safe classical herbs. These classical herbs work on all the three doshas and sustain their balance. Our holistic science uses these doshas to explain the different energies we

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Yoga Asanas to Balance Tridosha (Vata, Pitta & Kapha)


Yoga practises are the main yogic tools which assist in balancing physical stamina and boosting energy levels. It enables us to direct our attention and energy within. Ayurveda is an ancient holistic science which aids in managing all the health ailments with safe classical herbs. These classical herbs work on all the three doshas and sustain their balance. Our holistic science uses these doshas to explain the different energies we experience in our daily lives. So in this write up, we are going to see how yogasana can be used to keep our ayurvedic energetics in balance. Let's have a look!

1. Vata Dosha

Vata Doshas

Vata is one of the tridoshas present in our body. Its imbalance escorts the body into characteristics like Cold, Mobility, Buoyancy, etc. Yoga practices in this type of predominance will help in reestablishing the qualities of Warmness, Equilibrium, Firmness, Tranquillity, and Sustenance. People with Vata imbalance will end up with diseases like Arthritis, Insomnia, Anxiety, Headache, Digestion issues, Constipation, etc. Asanas that have a calming nature and strengthen the lower back are more appropriate for Vata dosha.

  1. Uttanasana
  2. Balasana
  3. Paschimottanasana
  4. Supta Virasana
  5. Dhanurasana
  6. Suryanamaskar

2. Pitta Dosha

Pitta Doshas

Pitta is another dosha or energy which causes things to develop and transform. When Pitta dosha is in a balanced form then it promotes Understanding, Intelligence, Good Skin Complexion, etc. But its imbalance leads to Anger, Intolerance, Disturbed Sleep, Heartburn, and Insensitivity to Food. Yoga asanas that reduce tension from the abdomen are very effective in balancing Pitta dosha. Meditation should be primarily practiced along with the following yoga asanas:-

  1. Trikonasana
  2. Bhujangasana
  3. Dhanurasana
  4. Chandra namaskar
  5. Sheetali pranayama

3. Kapha Dosha

Kapha Doshas

Kapha is made up of two elements i.e Earth and Water which is also known as the Energy of Cohesion. It helps us to unite with others and keep things together. The Balanced form of Kapha promotes Love, Calmness, and Stability but its imbalance leads to Inertia, Depression, Lethargy, Water Retention, Sinus Congestion, and Bloating. Yogasana, which is Strong and Stimulates Warmness, and causes Sweating, is the best way to rebalance Kapha. Standing postures with Combined Stretching and Movement are good.

  1. Ustrasana
  2. Bandhasana
  3. Adho mukha svanasana
  4. Surya Namaskar
  5. Pranayama
Yogasanas For Tridosha
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Acupressure Therapy Wed, 04 May 2022 07:16:48 +0000 Self-Healing Acupressure Therapy And Its Benefits Acupressure is an ancient alternative healing therapy and part of traditional Chinese medicine that has been around for more than 2000 years. Acupressure is also promoted by another ancient alternative system of medicine, i.e. Ayurveda. This healing therapy has gained more popularity since the last few decades. Acupressure helps in relieving pain, anxiety and stress and also gives a practicing person a sense of well being and calmness. Acupressure is many times confused with

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Self-Healing Acupressure Therapy And Its Benefits

Acupressure is an ancient alternative healing therapy and part of traditional Chinese medicine that has been around for more than 2000 years. Acupressure is also promoted by another ancient alternative system of medicine, i.e. Ayurveda. This healing therapy has gained more popularity since the last few decades. Acupressure helps in relieving pain, anxiety and stress and also gives a practicing person a sense of well being and calmness. Acupressure is many times confused with another term, Acupuncture. However acupuncture therapy involves use of needles at certain points in the body to relieve pain, whereas in acupressure no such needles are used and only pressure is applied at certain points.

Acupressure points and massage

Acupressure literally means finger pressure which is a form of touch therapy. It uses the basic principles of Chinese medicine, i.e. Acupuncture and its base is the pressure principle. The concept of this alternative healing therapy is based on life energy which is considered to be flowing through the meridians (natural pathways) inside the body. This energy is a way of sending signals to the body. This energy or vital force is also called qi. When there occurs any blockage in this qi or vital force, it causes illnesses, pain and imbalance in the body. Acupressure helps in the healthy flow of this energy and blood circulation. This therapy causes release of natural pain killers, i.e. endorphins in the body which relieves pain and stress naturally. Acupressure also acts as effective stimulation that helps in relaxation of the muscles and maintain the improvement with very less chances of recurrence of the complaints. In this treatment, on specific points the physical pressure is applied to clear the blocked qi. It helps in returning the body to its natural form of well being by restoring the functional imbalances. In Acupressure different types of movements of fingers are involved on various acupoints to put pressure on certain points on the body of the patient during the session. Traditional Chinese physicians practice this healing art as a massage therapy session or people practice these as self treatment for certain illnesses and pains. Acupressure can be used to treat migraines, headaches, pain in joints, pain in other body parts, anxiety, stiffness, acidity or other digestive troubles, stress, insomnia, motion sickness, tension and pain in muscles, morning sickness, nausea and vomiting during pregnancy, and to treat side effects of chemotherapy.

In acupressure a relaxing and calm environment is created and the patient is asked to concentrate on breathing. Therapist uses firm and deep pressure to stimulate and massage each point. Patient is asked to close eyes and breathe deeply while pressure is applied. Therapist uses the thumb to massage the point in up, down or circular motion. This massage is done for 1-2 minutes.

Benefits Of Acupressure

There are many proven health benefits of this ancient healing therapy, i.e Acupressure. Let's learn about some of them:

  1. General well being - As acupressure includes application of light pressure on specific points or areas on the body which are connected to different muscles and organs. When qi is blocked it causes illnesses and pains in the body and acupressure relieves these blocked qi through the meridian in the body and treats the pain and ailments.
  2. Faster healing - As acupressure helps in releasing the tension of the muscles, enhances the qi or vital force of the body and promotes healthy blood circulation. All of these things eventually help in healing the body faster from any kind of illness.
  3. Calms you down - Stimulation of the pressure points present in the body helps in improving the functioning of the mind and hence making you calmer. As the blocked meridians are unblocked with the help of this Chinese traditional therapy, you are capable of taking and dealing with more stress eventually you feel relaxed and calm.
  4. Treats pain - Using Acupressure in case of pain anywhere in the body like headache helps in relieving it without you taking over the counter medicines. When pressure is applied on certain points it helps in opening the blocked meridian and releasing endorphins which relieves pain. Also it helps in improving blood circulation which helps in pain relief.
  5. Facial muscles toning - Acupressure also has cosmetic benefits as this therapy helps in toning of the facial muscles by stimulating blood circulation that eventually helps in collagen production. All these things altogether help in toning up your face and beat the aging signs.
  6. Muscular tension releases - Acupressure stimulates the action of the nerves that supplies to the muscles and helps in relieving tension. Stress level is also brought down by this therapy which relaxes the body and muscles.

Does Acupressure need special training?

Yes, just like other therapy training, acupressure also requires a proper course or training programs that make a person specialized in doing this therapy. There are various institutes or acupressure schools which teach it in special acupressure classes. There is a curriculum offered by each acupressure school however in general there are certain subjects which are taught like anatomy, physiology, acupressure points and meridians, neuromuscular techniques, health, hygiene and contraindications etc.

Adverse Effects Of Pressure On The Wrong Points

Usually there are no side effects of acupressure done correctly. However if wrong points are pressed or therapy is not done properly than there can be certain adverse effects like:

  • Soreness
  • Exhaustion
  • Discomfort, slight pain or tenderness in treated area
  • Dizziness or lightheadedness
  • Indentations from the devices used in acupressure
  • Treated area can develop redness
  • Excessive pressure can cause bruises


Acupressure is an amazing way to treat many health ailments in a very natural way without using the medications. However you should always consult a qualified and experienced therapist to obtain full advantage of it and avoid any kind of side effects. This alternate Chinese medicine form can do wonders when used correctly. I hope all the information provided here will help you in restoring your health balance without turning towards any chemically loaded medications. Always choose natural ways to treat ailments as they are best!

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Aromatherapy Tue, 03 May 2022 10:16:22 +0000 What Is Aromatherapy and How Does It Help? What Is Aroma Therapy? Aromatherapy might be something you have heard or come to know about for the first time but actually this practice has been practiced by people of different cultures for thousands of years. Back in 3500 BC essence of plants were valued very much owing to their amazing therapeutic qualities and used for promoting well being and health. These aromatic oils that are highly concentrated are extracted naturally from

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What Is Aromatherapy and How Does It Help?

What Is Aroma Therapy?

Aromatherapy might be something you have heard or come to know about for the first time but actually this practice has been practiced by people of different cultures for thousands of years. Back in 3500 BC essence of plants were valued very much owing to their amazing therapeutic qualities and used for promoting well being and health. These aromatic oils that are highly concentrated are extracted naturally from stem, petals, twigs, roots, leaves, fruits or grasses. Aromatherapy brings out emotional responses, soothes nerves, creates a positive mood state and generates a sense of euphoria.

Many times when you start to feel that you've overdone or your mental health didn't seem to be right. This is the time you need to take a break, rejuvenate your body and de-stress yourself. Aromatherapy can be of help as it helps in relaxation of mind and rejuvenation of the body. In aromatherapy it's not only the pleasant smell of the different oils but the therapeutic value of these essential oils that are inhaled through smell, and used to put them on the body and massage. These two methods, i.e. absorption and inhalation are the two ways that these essential oils affect our brains in positive ways. When these oils are inhaled and they reach our brain they have an effect on our memories, emotions and stimulation. On the other hand when they are used in massage, oils get absorbed through the skin into the bloodstream and reach the brain.

What Is Aromatherapy and How Does It Help

There are various benefits of Aromatherapy

  • Relieves anxiety and stress - Meditation and mindfulness are now being adapted by people a lot as a way of life and aromatherapy helps in giving you a peaceful environment where you can rest and breathe in peace. Stress can be relieved and the tired mind can be rejuvenated with the help of aromatherapy as it relaxes the mind, calms down the nervous system and helps in lowering blood pressure.
  • Improves sleep quality - Not only the hours you sleep but the quality of sleep also matters a lot. Essential oils used in aromatherapy help in giving you restful sleep at night. Here lavender oil can be used that possess therapeutic qualities of inducing deep sleep and relaxes the mind.
  • Fatigue and exhaustion - Unique chemical properties of the essential provide numerous health benefits. Certain essential oils give you a sense of relaxation and fight fatigue as well. Aromatherapy rejuvenates and revitalizes the body and mind and relaxes muscles.
  • Muscle pain relaxation - Aromatherapy can help in relieving the different kinds of pain from mild to moderate severity like headache, stomach ache, pain in lower back and knee pain. To relieve the muscle pain you can yourself do a gentle massage by a blend of oils.

Now you must be wondering about the essential oils which are used in aromatherapy. There are numerous essential oils in the market with different fragrances, aroma and chemical composition having a wide variety of health benefits.

Let's get to know about some of the most commonly used essential oils

  • Lavender oil - This scent is the most common essential oil which is used in aromatherapy and has amazing therapeutic effects on the body.
  • Tea tree oil - Antibacterial property of this oil is probably the most popular one. It can be used to relieve and soothe irritated and painful skin owing to its anti-inflammatory property. Tea tree oil is also used to eliminate head lice, heal wounds and treat dandruff.
  • Peppermint oil - As the name suggests this oil is extracted from peppermint plants. Other than freshening up your breath it also boosts your concentration, wakes up your brain and increases alertness.

As in the starting I mentioned that aromatherapy is a new trend but it isn't new and has been used throughout the world in Indian as well as other cultures since ages. Ayurvedic literature and Indian history suggests that flowers and leaves were used by men and women since ancient times not only as an ornament but also for aromatherapy. As per Ayurveda, healing is done in three modes, Daiva vyapasraya, Satvavajaya and Yukti Vyapasraya. We all have seen that when we enter a temple there is an aroma of flowers, diyas, incense sticks and Prasad that has a very healing aroma. These things suggest that aromatherapy comes under Daiva vyapasraya, i.e. healing from the divine power. In aromatherapy there is not only inhalation of the scents but also the application of herbal paste made from grounded dried herbs on the wound area like rose and sandalwood paste. The Unani system of medicine also has shown the use of strong aromatic herbs that have healing properties and this was very popular among royals in ancient times.

Other than Ayurveda and Unani system of medicine you can also see use of Aromatherapy in Chinese cultural medicine where essential oils and scents are used for the treatment of different ailments. However it is a bit different from the ways which other parts of the world use it. In Chinese traditional medicine the aromatherapy is used to enhance vitality and increase life force.

In western world, Aromatherapy is used by essential oils diffusion with the help of electric diffusers which is used to treat various lifestyle problems like fatigue and stress. People have now started using Aromatherapy to calm themselves down after a long day of work. Aromatherapy is also being used in western world in massage parlors.

Hence, Aromatherapy is nowadays being used not only in one country but throughout the globe in different ways for different healing purposes. Every time to gain benefits of Aromatherapy it is not necessary to go to a specialist or therapist but you can enjoy it at home as well while reading a book, listening to relaxing music, doing meditation or yoga. Aromatherapy will enhance your benefits and experience of the activity and help in improving the overall well being and also enhances the quality of life.

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Polymyositis Mon, 02 May 2022 10:36:37 +0000 Alternative Treatment For Polymyositis With Herbal Remedies Abstract The disease is also known as myopathy. The disease is seen maximum in above 18 years of adults and it is more common in females. Most people above 31 to 60 are mostly affected. The skeletal muscles are more affected than others and that's why the patient is unable to walk properly and feels difficulty in doing daily routine work. So today's topic is very important and in order to know more

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Alternative Treatment For Polymyositis With Herbal Remedies


The disease is also known as myopathy. The disease is seen maximum in above 18 years of adults and it is more common in females. Most people above 31 to 60 are mostly affected. The skeletal muscles are more affected than others and that's why the patient is unable to walk properly and feels difficulty in doing daily routine work. So today's topic is very important and in order to know more about this disease let us discuss this disease in detail.


It is a type of muscle disorder in which the muscle gets weaker. It may be an ongoing chronic disease because as the patient feels lethargic they ignore the signs and symptoms and get busy doing daily routine work. In this disease the muscles of the trunk area are more affected than hips, thighs and shoulders. The disease mostly affects the both sides of the trunk area and after a long period of time they get worse. Let's proceed further and see what ayurveda has to say about this!


Ayurvedic Aspect

Vata is said to be the strength of the body and vata is life , vayu is very good for health and promotes the movements of the body but if it gets disturbed the movements of the body get restricted and show various kinds of symptoms like this disease. If vata dosha moves in the wrong path of the body the body function is unbalanced and life will get short. The vata dosha gets disturbed due to the consumption of rough and cold food, excessive blood donation, excessive exercises, falling down and injury. These all are the vata dushti causes and show very dangerous effects to the body. The increased vayu dries the small channels of the body and shows first symptoms like stiffness of the joints and muscles. So we can correlate this condition with vata dosha janya mamsa vaha srotas dushti.


The exact cause of this is yet unknown and is correlated with malabsorption. But it depends upon the lifestyle and consumption of food. The suppression of urges is one of the most popular known causes for increasing vata.

Sign And Symptoms

As we read earlier, most of the muscles of the trunk are affected which shows muscle weakness of joints, shoulder, neck etc. Even polymyositis affects the peripheries also. The patient looks very lethargic and lean.

Risk Factors

The disease of muscles and joints like rheumatoid arthritis and scleroderma are very high risk factors which aggravate the signs and symptoms of polymyositis.


The patient feels difficulty in swallowing the food, while in inspiration and expiration the chest muscles get pain, weight loss and malabsorption is one of the common complications.


The diagnosis of this disease is very easy. Only the physical examination is very helpful in diagnosis.


The increased vata dosha is well treated by Basti karma because basti (enema) is one of the choices of treatment to pacify vata dosha and patient should be on regular diet like cow ghee in daily routine, meat soups, meat of aquatic animals, shatavari and ashwagandha should be in regular in use as medicine.

Herbal Remedies By Planet Ayurveda

Planet Ayurveda is famous worldwide as a pure ayurvedic medicine making company. The pure herbal medicines are made under the supervision of experts and are 100% safe to use. The herbal medicines are very effective and show very good results. Planet ayurveda provides the formulation which is long acting and safer as compared to other medicines. The medicines made by Planet Ayurveda are classical which are all made according to vedic texts. All the medicines are natural and side effect free. Following are the products prepared by planet ayurveda for the betterment of polymyositis.

Ayurvedic Treatment For Polymyositis, Ayurvedic Aspect On Polymyositis


  1. RumoGin 5 Capsules: 1-2 capsules twice a day after meals with lukewarm water.
  2. Boswellia Curcumin: 1-2 capsules twice a day after meals with lukewarm water.
  3. Musli Strength: 1-2 capsules twice a day after meals with lukewarm water.
  4. Yograj Guggul: 1-2 tabs once or twice a day after meals with lukewarm water.
  5. Aamvatantak Churna: 1 tsp twice a day after meals with lukewarm water.

Product Description

1. RumoGin 5 Capsules

It is the herbal formulation which contains the natural herbs and shows best results in pain disorders and inflammatory conditions. The herbal constituents are haridra (curcumin longa), sonth (Zingiber officinalis), Shallaki (Boswellia curcumin), Pippali (piper longum) etc. The chronic disorders are well treated by this natural product like morning stiffness, cervical spondylitis and many other bone disorders. Even other ingredients like sonth are very helpful in respiratory disorders and show good results. Long consumption of this medicine shows joint healing features and maintains the synovial fluid in the proper way. The herbs are very effective in balancing the vata and kapha dosha. The mixture of herbs not only cure the bone disorders but various other conditions eg. pippali is good for digestion and helps to maintain a good digestive fire.

2. Boswellia Curcumin

It is an effective medicine to treat joint disorders and muscle weakness. It is very useful in inflammatory diseases. The herbal formulation contains shallaki (boswellia serrata), curcumin (curcumin longa). Shallaki pacifies the vata dosha and is known as a painkiller. It is very good at maintaining the osteophytes functioning. The combination with curcum is very best for elbow pain, knee pain, toe stiffness and swelling in fingers. Curcumin helps in proper pumping of blood to bone and tissue. It also helps in removing toxins from the body. Regular consumption of this medicine promotes good blood functioning and improves the flexibility of joints in chronic disorders. The shallaki is a good inflammation suppressor and cures the underlying cause of pain and the swelling.

3. Musli Strength

As the name suggests strength. It is a very powerful herbal formulation made for the strengthening of body and bone. It gives overall strength to the body which uplifts the power of the reproductive system, it increases the quality and quantity of sperm. The musli strength is must given in bone disorders because it is an herbal remedy which gives strength to the bones and joints. It can be used as long term viagra also because the herbs it contains are gokshura (tribulus terrestris), safed musli (chlorophytum borivilianum) which are very effective and give power to the body.

4. Yograj Guggul

Yograj guggul is a classical medicine, which is used widely in infections and pain disorders. It helps in pacifying the vata dosha and is given maximum in bone and muscle disorders because all the diseases of bone and muscle are due to vata dosha. The herbs are ajwain (carum copticum), vidang (embelia ribes), chitrak (plumbago zeylanica), chavya (piper chaba) etc. The nerves and surrounded blood vessels are very well relaxed with this medicine. The yograj guggul is a classical medicine used by our acharyas and has very good results in inflammatory disorders. Yograj removes the toxins from the body and gives strength to the musculature and skeletal system of the body. It also supports healthy menstruation in females.

5. Aamvatantak Churna

It is the blend of some very unique herbal medicines that help in detoxification of the body. The ingredients are Ashwagandha (withania somnifera), haridra (curcuma longa), suranjan (colchicum autumnale) etc. These are the natural herbs which are used for treating the vataj disorders and help in resolving the stiffness of joints and muscles. The very classical herbs present in this churna help in treating inflammation and joint pains. This is a very beneficial churna for treating infection and bone disorders. The roots of ashwagandha are added in this churna which is very good for brain functioning and promotes healthy functioning of blood. The herbs are arranged in a very sincere manner in this medicine so as to give best results in any kind of disease.


Every single disease in ayurveda is dependent upon the increased dosha of the body and in ayurveda we have very good classical and ancient medicine to treat the very chronic disorders and polymyositis is one of them. The blend of classical herbal medicine is added in the products so as to bring the best results in all kinds of disease. The products are safe and easy to digest and are well tested under supervision. Be safe and keep yourself healthy with Ayurveda.

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ITP Case Studies – Seetu, Kamalpreet, Babita, Mayank, Riddhika, Krishan & Kavita Wed, 27 Apr 2022 12:16:58 +0000 ITP Case Studies - Seetu, Kamalpreet, Babita, Mayank, Riddhika, Krishan & Kavita 1. Case Study Of Seetu A Man from Delhi who was suffering from ITP (Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura or Auto immune thrombocytopenia) Seetu is a 31 years old adult male from Delhi. When he was 22 years old, he noticed some rashes on the skin, and bleeding gums. He visited the nearby hospital where the doctor did some blood tests and found out that his platelets count was very

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ITP Case Studies - Seetu, Kamalpreet, Babita, Mayank, Riddhika, Krishan & Kavita

1. Case Study Of Seetu

A Man from Delhi who was suffering from ITP (Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura or Auto immune thrombocytopenia)

Seetu is a 31 years old adult male from Delhi. When he was 22 years old, he noticed some rashes on the skin, and bleeding gums. He visited the nearby hospital where the doctor did some blood tests and found out that his platelets count was very low. At that time it was only 5000. The doctor advised him to get admitted and some further tests and diagnosed his condition as Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP). The doctor transfused him with the platelets and gave IVIG injections. At first his platelet count increased a little. Then he was discharged and put on steroids. Even on steroids his platelets remained below 50,000. Then after some months he again had red spots and bleeding gums. Then he got admitted in Safdarganj hospital. The doctors again gave him IVIG injections and transfused platelets and his platelets got increased to 34000. After some days he got discharged but his platelets were still not above 50,000. This continued for some years, he was on steroids and started getting side effects. His family was very worried about his condition as he was not getting better. Then he saw Dr. Vikram Chauhan' videos on Youtube. He almost watched every video of ITP testimonials and developed a hope. So he visited Dr. Vikram Chauhan at his clinic Planet ayurveda. When he came here, at that time his platelets were around 8000 only. He discussed his case with Dr. Vikram Chauhan and he prescribed medicines to him along with the diet chart. He started taking the medicines and also followed the diet chart strictly. He took Green juice, red juice regularly. Within a few weeks of the treatment his platelets started increasing. His steroids and other allopathic medicines were stopped. After one month of the treatment his platelets reached 1 lac, he was very happy to see this. Then in the second month it increased to 1,36,000 and in the third month, it increased to 1,81,000. His family was also very happy after seeing this. He continued the treatment for 6 months and now he is absolutely fine. His platelets remained above 1,70,000. At present his platelet count is 2,34,000. He is extremely happy to get cured of his chronic ailment and is very thankful to Dr. Vikram Chauhan and his team. Now he recommends taking Ayurvedic medicines to all.

2. Case Study Of Kamalpreet Kaur

A Female from Amritsar, Punjab who was suffering from ITP (Immune thrombocytopenic purpura)

Kamalpreet kaur is a 22 years old young female from Amritsar. When she was 12 years old, she had some red spots on her body. At first she didn't give any attention but then she had nasal bleeding. After this her parents got tense and took her to a nearby hospital. The doctor did some blood tests in which her hemoglobin and platelets were low. So the doctor transfused her blood and the platelets. After a few months she again had a nasal and gums bleeding. Then they admitted her in Vallah hospital, Amritsar and they did a blood test and bone marrow test in which her platelets were only 30,000 and diagnosed her with Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP). Then they give her a very costly injection of 1,25,000. Her platelets increased instantly but she also had adverse effects of this injection. Then after a month her platelets again started decreasing. They consulted her doctor about whether this is curable? Her doctor said that there is no permanent cure of this disease. She had to take medicines for a lifetime, after hearing this they are totally scared. Her doctor advised them to consult at CMC Ludhiana . So they visited there and rechecked her bone marrow test and confirmed that it is ITP only. So they again told them that there is no proper treatment for this condition and they were left with no hope. So for many years she was on medications and steroids. Her father is in the police department and was posted in Mohali district, where he came to know about Dr. Vikram Chauhan from one of his seniors. So in 2019, he visited Dr. Vikram Chauhan at his clinic Planet Ayurveda with her daughter and discussed her case with Dr. Vikram Chauhan and he prescribed medicines to her along with the diet chart. She started taking the medicines and also followed the diet chart strictly. She took Green juice, red juice regularly. At that time they still had doubt in their mind that if she didn't get cured in big hospitals then how she would be fine from these medicines. After one month of treatment her platelets started increasing gradually. And after 6 months her platelets remained above 1,80,000 and that too without any steroids or allopathic medicines. Then in between she was on just basic health supplements. Due to lockdown they couldn't continue the treatment but her platelets remained between 1,80,000 to 2,30,000.They are very happy to see this and very thankful to Dr. Vikram Chauhan and his team. Now she is not taking any medicines and her recent platelets are 2,30,000. They have no words to say thanks to Dr. Vikram who came specially to shoot a testimonial so that other people also get hope. They recommend Ayurveda to everyone so that other people can also get benefits from Ayurveda.

3. Case Study Of Babita Devi

A Female from Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh who was suffering from ITP (Immune thrombocytopenia)

Babita Devi is a 28 years old female from Kanpur. In september 2019, she had dengue and was hospitalized. During this her platelets decreased so much. Her platelets remained around 11,000 and she had nasal bleeding and bleeding gums. The doctor transfused platelets to her daily but still her platelets didn’t increase as such. Then after 22 units of platelets transfusion, she got discharged. At that time her fiance was very worried. Then again in February 2020, she noticed some red spots, bleeding gums, nasal bleeding and bruises on her skin. She was feeling very tired also. Her family took her to a nearby hospital and the doctor did some blood tests in which her platelets count was only 25000. The doctor advised them to do a bone marrow test. They agreed to do it. After that the doctor diagnosed her with Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP). they didn’t even hear about this disease before. The doctor said that there is no permanent cure of this disease and you have to take medicines for a lifetime. They are very worried after hearing this. The doctor gave her steroids along with other supplements. But even after taking steroids her platelets didn’t increase much. Her platelets remained between 50,000 to 70,000. Then in March 2020, she got married. Her husband was so supportive and worried about her that he searched about ITP. he got to know that there is no cure for this in allopaths. So he searched about Ayurvedic treatment. He got to know about Dr. Vikram Chauhan and Planet Ayurveda and watched the testimonial videos of the cured patient. He developed a hope and took online consultation from one of the team doctors of Planet Ayurveda in November 2020. The doctor gave her the medicines and guided the diet chart. At that time her platelets count was 25,000. At first her platelets decreased but then after two months her platelets started increasing gradually. She took medicines and followed the diet chart strictly. Later she visited the clinic and met Dr. Vikram Chauhan.She took Green juice and red juice daily along with the prescribed . Her steroids and other allopathic medicines were stopped. After the treatment of 9 months her platelets reached 1,29,000. She was very happy to see this. Her platelets remain above that now. She is very thankful to Dr. Vikram Chauhan and Planet Ayurveda team. Now they advise every known person to visit Planet Ayurveda and follow Ayurveda.

4. Case Study Of Mayank

A Little Boy who was suffering from ITP (Autoimmune thrombocytopenic purpura)

Mayank is a little sweet boy. In the month of June 2021, his parents noticed some red spots and bruises on his body. So they took him to a nearby doctor where the doctor did some blood tests. His platelets were only 22,000. The doctor started the treatment, after some days it increased but then again decreased. One day his health got serious and the doctor referred him to some big hospital in Delhi. He was admitted in the emergency ward of Apollo hospital, Delhi. Next day, they took him to the Army hospital base at Delhi. There he was under treatment for almost 1 month. But he was under steroids and also started having some side effects. The doctor also gave him IVIG injections, it increased his platelets count to around 50,000 but after a few days his platelets again decreased to 10,000 to 20,000. As he was a kid, his parents were very worried about his health as the allopathic doctors said that he had to take medicines for a lifetime and searched for alternative medicines. Then his father watched videos of Dr. Vikram Chauhan on Youtube. He saw many videos of Itp patients who got cured from Planet Ayurveda that includes kids also. So after watching these videos he got some hope and decided to visit the clinic. Then in the month of August 2021, he visited Dr. Vikram Chauhan at his clinic Planet Ayurveda, Mohali. He discussed his son’s case with Dr. Vikram, prescribed him some medicines and guided the diet chart. At that time his platelets were 33000. He stopped his Allopathic Medicines and steroids. Then after 15 days the platelets reduced to 24,000 but as the doctor told them not to worry about as Ayurvedic medicines work slowly. But after 1 month of treatment his platelets were 1.5 lac. His father was very happy to see this. The child’s health was also better than before. They continued to give him Green juice and Red juice. After that his platelets remained above 1.5 lacs. After that his medicines gradually decreased and after a few months the treatment stopped. Now his platelets remain above 1.6 lacs and he is absolutely fine now. His parents are extremely happy and very thankful to Dr. Vikram Chauhan and Planet Ayurveda team. Now they follow Ayurveda and advise other people too to trust Ayurveda as it does wonders.

5. Case Study Of Riddhika Bagarwal

A Girl from Mandsaur, Madhya Pradesh who was suffering from ITP (Auto immune thrombocytopenia or Low platelet count)

Riddhika Bagarwal is a 13 years old young girl from Mandsaur, Madhya Pradesh. When she was 5.5 years old, she used to have red spots and bruises on her body for 4 months. Initially her parents didn’t take it seriously but later they took her to a doctor and did a blood test. The doctor told them that her platelet count was very low and advised them to admit her. There was no specialist in Mandsaur so they took her to Ahmedabad. So there the doctor did all the required tests and diagnosed her with Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP). They started giving her steroids and also transfused the platelets. After that her platelet count increased a little but then again decreased. The doctor told them that there is no permanent cure of this disease. After hearing this her family was so depressed. They continued the allopathic treatment and her platelets kept fluctuating. Then sidewise they started taking Ayurvedic medicines from somewhere else. But even after that her condition didn’t get well. So they continued her allopathic medicines for a total of 7 years and ayurvedic medicines for 4 years. Her family was so depressed and lost hope. The doctor advised her to remove the spleen. Then one day her father was searching for some alternative medicines for this and watched Dr. Vikram Chauhan videos. He watched all the testimonials of the cured patient and decided to give it a try. Then he visited Planet Ayurveda with her daughter in December 2019 and consulted Dr. Vikram Chauhan. Dr. Vikram Chauhan prescribed her medicines and guided the diet chart. At that time her platelet count was only 20,000.  They started her treatment and followed the diet chart. After one month of treatment her platelet count was 40,000. Her allopathic medicines and steroids were stopped. Then after one month her platelet count was 1.21 lacs. Her family was so happy after watching her platelet count. Her condition was much better than before now. Her platelets remained above 1.5 lacs afterward. They continued the treatment for a few more months then stopped. Her platelets still remain above 1.5 lacs without any medicines and now she is living a healthy and happy life. Her parents are extremely happy and very thankful to Dr. Vikram Chauhan. They built a strong faith in Ayurveda and now they prefer only Ayurvedic treatment for any disease and also guide other people to follow Ayurveda.

6. Case Study Of Krishan Kumar

A Male from Delhi who was suffering from ITP (Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura)

Krishan Kumar is an adult male from Delhi. In May 2019, after returning from his Europe tour, he suffered from fever and had loose stool with mild bleeding. So the next day he got hospitalized in a private Hospital in Delhi. There the doctor gave him symptomatic treatment and did a routine checkup where they found that his platelets were very low. So they advise him to do a bone marrow test. After that they diagnosed him with Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP). Initially they transfused platelets and blood. His condition was critical at that time and got admitted to the ICU for 20 days. So during the treatment his platelets kept fluctuating. The lowest platelet count was only 1000 and he had symptoms like bleeding gums, nasal bleeding and bleeding in the stool. He took allopathic treatment from June 2019 till the month of Diwali in 2019 but didn’t get any relief. Whenever he stopped steroids his platelets reduced. He was very depressed with his condition. One day he was searching for an alternative treatment for this. Then he watched Dr. Vikram Chauhan videos on Youtube. He watched all the testimonials of the cured patient and decided to give it a try. So after Diwali 2019, he visited Planet Ayurveda and consulted Dr. Vikram Chauhan. He discussed his case with the doctor and Dr. Vikram chauhan prescribed him medicines along with the diet chart. At that time his platelets were only 15000. So he took medicines for 1 month and followed the diet chart and his platelet increased to 70,000. His steroids and other allopathic medicines were stopped.  He was very happy after watching his platelet count and he continued the medicines and strictly followed the diet. After a few months his platelets count reached above 1.5 lacs. He was extremely happy and then after one more month he stopped the medicines. After that his platelet count remained above 1.5 lacs. He is very thankful to Dr. Vikram Chauhan and Planet Ayurveda’s team. He got full trust in Ayurveda and advise to take Ayurvedic treatment  for any health ailments.

7. Case Study Of Kavita (Ravindra’s Sister)

A Lady from Kasapur, Andhra Pradesh who was suffering from ITP (Immune thrombocytopenic purpura)

Kavita lives in Kasapur, Andhra Pradesh. In 2002 she first noticed some red spots on her body and visited a local physician. The doctor said it might be some skin allergy and gave her some medicine. But the spots are still there and then the doctor advised her to do some blood tests. In her reports, the platelets count was only 30,000. But as she had no such severe symptoms so she was not diagnosed then with any medical condition and took some supplements. Then later in 2011, she had bleeding gums, red spots, fever and weakness. Then they took her to the hospital where the doctors gave her medicine for fever and discharged her. But later she was feeling so weak that she couldn’t even stand. Then the doctors referred her to a city hospital in Mangalore. There the doctor did her some blood tests and bone marrow tests. At that time her platelets were only 3000. After that the doctor diagnosed her with Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP). The doctor gave her IVIG injections and transfused platelets. Her platelets increased a little. Then the doctors advised her to have an injection which cost around 1.5 lac. As they couldn't afford that, so they refused to have that injection. So from  2011 to 2018 she took Allopathic medicines. During this period she was admitted for several times in hospitals and transfused platelets and given steroids and IVIG injections. His brother lives in Mumbai. He searched for the Ayurvedic treatment for ITP and found Planet Ayurveda on Youtube. He watched the videos of Dr. Vikram Chauhan and the patient’s testimonials. He developed a hope and then searched for this. Then he visited our Mumbai reseller. There she guided him to take consultation and start the treatment in 2018. So he took online consultation for her sister and started the treatment along with the diet pattern. At that time her platelets were only 20,000. After 15 days they stopped the Allopatic medicines and gradually her platelets started increasing. She took green juice, red juice daily and within 3 months of the treatment her platelets reached 1 lac. She was very happy to see this. After that she continued the treatment for a  year and after that she just took supplements. She followed the diet chart strictly. Now her platelet count remains between 1,70,000 to 2 lacs. Now she is not taking any treatment and is absolutely fine. She and her family are very happy and thankful to Dr. Vikram Chauhan and Planet Ayurveda team. Now they recommend everyone who suffers from ITP or any other disease to follow Ayurveda and take treatment from Planet Ayurveda.

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The post ITP Case Studies – Seetu, Kamalpreet, Babita, Mayank, Riddhika, Krishan & Kavita appeared first on Planet Ayurveda.

Kidney Disease In Dogs Mon, 28 Mar 2022 06:30:14 +0000 Abstract Dogs are different species but their bodies function similar to those of human beings. Kidneys of the dogs also function to filter out the waste and balance the nutrients in the body. Other functions of kidneys are metabolism of calcium, increase in production of red blood cells and maintenance of blood pressure. Hence, problems in the functioning of the kidneys can create many health problems for your dog. In this article you can know all about the kidney disease

The post Kidney Disease In Dogs appeared first on Planet Ayurveda.



Dogs are different species but their bodies function similar to those of human beings. Kidneys of the dogs also function to filter out the waste and balance the nutrients in the body. Other functions of kidneys are metabolism of calcium, increase in production of red blood cells and maintenance of blood pressure. Hence, problems in the functioning of the kidneys can create many health problems for your dog. In this article you can know all about the kidney disease in dogs and its Ayurvedic management and treatment.

Introduction To Kidney Disease In Dogs

Kidney or renal diseases are very common in dogs and in order to protect your dog from kidney diseases you must be aware of them and look for the early signs in order to treat them before they cause any severe damage. It is very difficult to spot the reason behind your pet's kidney disease as there can be many. Most of the time it is very difficult to diagnose kidney disease in the early stages which can lead to having severe effects on your fur friend. Kidney disease occurs when a dog's kidneys do not function sufficiently. As the functions of the kidneys is to clear the waste products from the blood hence, their improper working leads to building up of toxins. All of this can lead to permanent damage to the kidneys.

Kidney disease in dogs, Ayurvedic point view on Kidney disease in dogs

There Are Two Types Of Kidney Diseases In Dogs

  1. Chronic kidney disease in dogs
  2. Acute kidney disease in dogs

Ayurvedic Aspect Of Kidney Disease In Dogs:

As per the Ayurvedic concept kidney diseases are termed as prameha upadrava or mutravikara upadrava. It is caused by the aggravation of Vata dosha. To maintain a health it is necessary that all the three doshas be in balance and their imbalances lead to diseases.

Signs And Symptoms Of Kidney Disease In Dogs

You must look for these signs in your dog:

  • Change in drinking capacity, i.e. either your dog drinking more or less water than usual.
  • Increased or decreased frequency and volume of urination.
  • Dog loses interest in interaction or playing games.
  • Appetite is decreased.
  • Diarrhea or vomiting.
  • Weight loss without any known reason.
  • Presence of blood in urine.
  • Frequent dental ailments or diseases like smelly breath, pale gums, or mouth ulcers.

Causes Of Kidney Disease In Dogs

As earlier mentioned there are two types of kidney diseases in dogs and the causes are different for both of them.

  1. Acute kidney disease is caused in dogs due to eating any toxin like household cleaners, antifreeze or bad food. Other causes can be urinary obstruction in the dog's body, snake bites, severe dehydration, leptospirosis and heat strokes.
  2. Causes in the chronic kidney disease are usually difficult to diagnose and usually old dogs suffer from it. One of the main causes of chronic kidney diseases in dogs is dental disease where the bacterial build present in the mouth enters their digestive system when they eat or drink.

Diagnosis Of Kidney Disease In Dogs

Diagnosis is based on the clinical history given by you to the veterinarian of your dog. Further doctors will perform a thorough physical examination. Blood tests are also done for the confirmation of the diagnosis.

Treatment Of Kidney Disease In Dogs

Treatment is based on the severity and type of kidney disease in dogs. Acute kidney disease does not cause the severe damage and can be treated easily however the damage from the chronic kidney disease is irreversible if disease is not treated at the early stages. The treatment is initiated aiming at treating the underlying condition like dehydration, poisoning or infection. Treatment of your dog will include medicines for increasing production of urine, reducing vomiting, easing gastrointestinal troubles, anemia along with IV fluid therapy, management of blood pressure and changes in the diet.

Ayurvedic Treatment Of Kidney Disease In Dogs

As the cause behind kidney disease in dogs as per Ayurveda is vitiation of Vata dosha hence the treatment aims at pacifying the Vata dosha through herbal remedies and other Ayurvedic methods like basti karma. Ayurvedic treatment also includes healthy changes in diet, and lifestyle changes which help to eradicate the root cause and treat the condition completely.

Herbal Remedies By Planet Ayurveda For Kidney Disease In Dogs

Planet Ayurveda is a very well known herbal pharmaceutical company where herbal, vegetarian and authentic medicines and products are produced not only to treat human diseases but animals as well. There are many products which help in treating the diseases of animals in a very natural way without harming them at all. For kidney disease in dogs Planet Ayurveda offers a combination of herbal medicines that help in annihilating the condition naturally.

Revive Kidneys Pack

Kidney disease in dogs, Ayurvedic treatment for kidney disease in dogs


  1. Mutrakrichantak Churna - Give 1 teaspoon churna twice daily with or after meals
  2. Rencure Formula - Give 2 capsules twice daily with or after meals
  3. Punarnava Mandur - Give 2 tablets thrice daily with or after meals
  4. Varunadi Vati - Give 2 tablets thrice daily with or after meals
  5. Chandanadi Vati - Give 2 tablets twice daily with or after meals

Product Description

1. Mutrakrichantak Churna

Medicinal herbs like Varun (Crataeva nurvala), Gokshur (Tribulus terrestris), Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa), Shirish (Albizia lebbeck), Shigru (Moringa oleifera), Kaasni (Cichorium intybus), Apamarg (Achyranthes aspera) and Bhumi amla (Phyllanthus niruri) are used in the formulation of Mutrakrichantak churna. This herbal churna helps in treating all kinds of ailments of disease by managing blood pressure, lowering creatinine levels and acting as diuretic.

2. Rencure Formula

It is the combination of the Palaash (Butea monosperma), Gokshur (Tribulus terrestris), Kaasni (Cichorium intybus), Varun (Crataeva nurvala), Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa) etc. Standardized extract of all the herbs are used to work together to treat ailments like high creatinine level, low urine output, prevent destruction of the normal kidney structure and maintain healthy functioning of the kidneys.

3. Punarnava Mandur

This is the classical Ayurvedic preparation which has been used since ancient times to treat various diseases. Punarnava mandur is a herbo-mineral combination which helps in promoting healthy blood circulation, and prevents anemia. It is prepared from Shunthi (Zingiber officinale), Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa), Haritaki (Terminalia chebula), Pippali (Piper longum), Amalaki (Emblica officinalis), Maricha (Piper nigrum) and Mandur bhasma (Ferric oxide calyx).

4. Varunadi Vati

These herbal tablets are full of medicinal properties like diuretic, analgesic, and anti inflammatory which helps in maintaining healthy kidney functioning. Varunadi vati is prepared from Varun (Crataeva nurvala), Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa), Shuddh guggul (Commiphora mukul), and Gokshur (Tribulus terrestris).

5. Chandanadi Vati

It is prepared from herbs like Gokshura (Tribulus terrestris), Kabab chini (Piper cubeba), Kapur (Cinnamomum camphora), Amalaki (Emblica officinalis), Safed chandan (Santalum album) etc. Chandanadi vati helps in balancing the doshas in the body, relieves burning and pain during urination, prevents and treats urinary tract infections, relieves inflammation and checks the growth of bacteria or yeast in the body.


Your friend can be saved from the agony of going through severe effects of kidney disease if you sense the early signs of disease and get them treated. Herbal or Ayurvedic treatment will help in treating their condition without harming their body any further.

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